Welcome to RhetoricalXML.com. This is a Web site designed to accompany the book The Rhetorical Nature of XML: Constructing Knowledge in Networked Environments published by Taylor & Francis (Routledge) in 2009 by J.D. Applen and Rudy McDaniel. Here is a link to the title in Routledge's catalog and on Amazon.com.
Chapter Listing
- Introduction
- There is currently no online content available for this chapter.
- Chapter One: Knowledge Management and Technical Communication
- There is currently no online content available for this chapter.
- Chapter Two: Introduction to XML
- This page has the example XML and image files from Chapter Two.
- Chapter Three: Semantics and Classification Systems
- There is currently no online content available for this chapter.
- Chapter Four: The Visual Rhetoric of XML
- This page has full color screen captures and additional practice files from Chapter Four.
- Chapter Five: Advanced XML Topics
- This page has the example XML and XSL files from Chapter Five.
- Chapter Six: Focused Implementations
- This page has the example project files from Chapter Six.
- Chapter Seven: XML and Your Career (Case Studies)
- This page contains the interviews from Chapter Seven in Wiki format with ongoing revisions and additions. It also contains some additional examples of XML files as used by practitioners.